AI Salesperson Emerges to Replace Cumbersome Advance Sales

[ 뉴스와이어 ] / 기사승인 : 2024-05-29 13:01:19 기사원문
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CCM Unveils AI Salesperson to Streamline B2B Transactions
New Service Enhances Client Management, Eyes Future B2C Market Expansion

AI Salesperson Emerges to Replace Cumbersome Advance Sales
AI Salesperson Emerges to Replace Cumbersome Advance Sales

Client Contact Maker (CCM, has recently launched a new AI salesperson service aimed at significantly reducing the complexities involved in B2B sales.

In response to market demand and leveraging technological advancements, this innovative service is designed to facilitate business-to-business (B2B) transactions by helping companies to find and manage potential clients more efficiently.

CCM leverages advanced AI technology to automatically identify potential clients and suggest the most suitable communication strategies. The AI analyzes customer behavior patterns and historical data to automate many of the processes that sales teams would typically handle manually. This significant improvement in sales efficiency allows companies to focus more of their time and resources on generating substantial outcomes.

While CCM currently focuses on the B2B market, there are ongoing considerations to expand into the Business-to-Consumer (B2C) market. This potential expansion underscores the flexibility and scalability of CCM's AI technology, demonstrating its capacity to cater to diverse market and consumer needs.

Joon-young Kim, CEO of CCM, stated, “Our AI salesperson service is a product of market demand and technological advancement. With CCM, businesses can revolutionize their sales processes and gain a competitive edge in broader markets. We look forward to potentially expanding into the B2C market, allowing individual consumers to directly benefit from this innovation as well”

About Client Contact Maker

Client Contact Maker(CCM) provides an innovative AI-based PRE-SALES solution that identifies and contacts potential customers, enhancing sales prospects. We support business growth through website planning, ad copy creation, and tailored sales strategies. Our creative and efficient solutions drive customer success.

출처: Client Contact Maker

언론연락처: Client Contact Maker(CCM) Joon-young Kim +82-2-6402-5502

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